
An EU research group administered a coordination project supporting waste conversion research; this project, called COOLSWEEP, seeks to support research driven partnerships between leading European stakeholders within waste-to-energy.

Work began with mapping of stakeholders and the entire waste sector context for each of six European regions. The results formed the basis of a trans-cluster strategy, six regional cluster action plans and a joint action plan.

The project had the aim to explore the potential synergies between companies, stakeholders, governments and wants to share the knowledge via various meeting, workshop, seminars, conferences. COOLSWEEP produced 39 articles or web pages and since its creation 30 new regional and 13 new cross-regional partnerships were born, for the latter the group gained funding in excess of EUR 23 million for new projects, that involved 22 researchers.

A new cluster was created in Latvia and a total of 11 new companies signed a formal agreement, 122 companies took part in international training workshops organized in the six regions. New stakeholders totaling 153 became members of cluster organizations.

COOLSWEEP has created new research, technological innovations and has shared knowledge in the waste-to-energy sector.

For more information: http://www.sesino.it/

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