At Samoter and Asphaltica, scheduled to Verona from 8th to 11th May, visitors will take stock of the situation in the mining market with a specific event: the “Conference on quarrying and excavation operations.” The event is scheduled for Thursday, May 8th, at 10:00 am, in Vivaldi Room, at the Congress Centre of Veronafiere.

A branch that is going through hard times like this must react. To be present at a fair that promotes new technologies and solutions is a positive sign to welcome and support.

Topics will be: markets and opportunities on the horizon; necessary changes for mining activities; a new method of rock quarries cultivation and surface mining; construction site’s stories; state of the art of automation in the future mining industry.

Speakers: Dr. S. Polselli – ANIM Secretary, Dr. P. Lelli, Vermeer Italy MD, G. Manara Ma-estro MD, Ing. A. Grassino IVECOS. National and international guests

Ma-estro, as world specialist in automation of crushing plants, will present the results obtained by the application of what many agree to be the future area of growth of crushing and recycling plants. If you want to be among us you are welcome!

Following the event, the latest technological innovations in quarries cultivation and in the excavation operations will be shown. Testimonials from the market will offer a new perspective in the use of these innovations.

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