With “Integrated Industry – Join the Network” as its keynote theme, Hannover Messe 2015 gave tangible shape to the vision of the “intelligent factory“. In the factory of the future, information will be seamlessly exchanged between machines and products, ensuring optimal results and peak efficiency.
More than 220,000 trade visitors – 70,000 of whom came from outside Germany – used Hannover Messe to catch up on the latest technologies and make key investment decisions. Some 6,500 companies from 70 countries have showcased technologies for tomorrow’s production plants and energy systems.
The show placed major emphasis on the digitization of manufacturing as well as on human-machine collaboration, innovative subcontracting solutions and intelligent energy systems – topics which pulled in the crowds.
“Hannover Messe has made it unmistakably clear: Industry 4.0 has arrived, and is sweeping every sector of industry. Digital integration is becoming a key aspect of modern manufacturing, and this trend is set to continue at a rapid pace”, said Jochen Köckler, member of the Managing Board at Deutsche Messe.
But integration is not confined to mere production operations, as energy systems also rapidly become intelligent, driving the transition to renewable forms of energy. An increasing number of decentralized power generators – including wind, solar, hydroelectric and biogas plants – are being hooked up to the Smart Grid.

More informations: http://www.heatexchanging.com/

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