At present marine propellers are not 100% efficient. Not all the power applied to the propeller drive shaft has been converted into forward movement of the boat.
Various advantages have realised the use of a more efficient propeller, with the possibility to reduce the rate of fuel consumption and increase the speed of the vessel.
Every present day propeller has a definite upper limit as to the rate at which it can be rotated do to the cavitation effect. Such effects can become sufficiently violent to cause damage to the propeller. A marine propeller capable of operating at higher revolution rates would offer various advantages. For the case of larger oceangoing type boats and ships, for example, it would enable a more direct connection of the propeller to the high speed turbines commonly used, thus providing a further improvement in overall efficiency.
In accordance with the invention of CTC Group (Sofia, Bulgaria), a marine impeller comprises of a housing in which the impeller rotates. The impeller is a topless cylinder made of expanded metal mesh. A completely new type of bladeless propulsor during rotation, the water moves instantaneously in a very thin water cylinder, where the water abnormally loses viscosity, in the short time while in the propulsor. This cylinder of water moves continuously to the outer periphery by centrifugal forces. Differentiated hydrodynamics and thermodynamics forms a process of super fluidity, which generates an abnormal increase in the water flow at the outlet of the propulsor.
The unique propulsor may operate at 10000 RPM and higher without gear boxes and cavitation! Ships, submarines and torpedoes equipped with such a bladeless impeller will differ significantly in velocity, maneuver, noise and production costs.
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