Europe needs new sources of natural gas to meet the energy demand in the long term, compensate for the decreasing domestic production, boost growth and diversity of supply.

The share of gas in the European energy mix is set to grow in the coming decades. The gas is the cleanest fossil fuel, then an environmental edge over coal and oil and, above all, is valid and flexible energy option, along with renewable.

Alongside gas pipelines already link the European markets in Russia, Africa and the North Sea, the new Caspian energy corridor will ensure a diversity of supply, reducing dependence on a single source, contributing to open a new route and offering all ‘ Europe’s largest gas resources.

Many countries of Southeast Asia depend on one source of supply, which makes them particularly vulnerable to interruptions of supplies and at non-competitive prices. Others, such as Albania, do not have even an internal network of gas distribution and rely on coal and oil to meet the energy requirements.

TAP will pave the way to the influx of new energy sources in these markets, promoting the development of the sector and contributing positively to the environmental balance thanks to the replacement of highly polluting fossil fuels.

Recognizing their positive contribution to Europe’s strategic goal of diversification of sources and security of energy supply, the European Commission and the US government support the construction of the pipeline.

The integration and the diversification of the EU’s supplies are not only strategic objectives. Enhancing liquidity and competitiveness of European energy markets, TAP will offer better opportunities to both producers and consumers.

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