The AAE-1 system will link Hong Kong, Djibouti, UAE, Singapore, Vietnam, Malaysia, Thailand, India, Pakistan, Oman, Qatar, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Greece, Italy and France with technology to 100 Gigabits per second. The cable, which extends for 25.000 km, will have a capacity of 40 Terabit per second and lower latency than existing submarine cables in service between Asia and Europe.
AAE-1, which will be completed in 2016, is one of the largest cable projects currently underway. The AAE-1 cable represents one of the first submarine cables can provide a low latency path between the Far East and Europe. It will provide high capacity of a diversified path than the congested existing traditional submarine systems.
Italy is officially connected to the system high capacity and AAE-1, in accordance with the schedule of the operational plan, the landing in Bari activities have been completed successfully.
The new landing station in Bari will be the new alternative gateway of the Mediterranean, to and from Europe. The strategic geographical location at the center of the Mediterranean, is the nearest point of connection to the higher data center and Internet exchange Neutrals Western Europe, Africa and the Middle and Far East. Thanks to the Retelit network technology of multiple 100Gbps the landing station of Bari will provide operators with an alternative path and resilient connectivity between Eurasia.
AAE-1 will be the first submarine system to connect Asia and Europe also by routes that do not transit to India or other intermediate stations. Connecting Italy and Europe will be assured by Retelit thanks to the Landing Station in Bari and the strengthening of its terrestrial network to Frankfurt, Marseille and London. The project also includes the expansion of the fiber optic network in Italy with the extension to the main European cities, thus becoming Retelit one of the most important in the Mediterranean gateway between Europe, Asia, Africa and the Middle East.
The agreement was signed on September 16 in Bangkok in the presence of all the representatives of the operators involved in the consortium.
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